Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 5 - Update

1. Lose 20 Pounds and Keep It Off for a Year
Bad week. Started with the Superbowl (I did make my own chicken wings and low-fat bean dip) and ended with a very stressful weekend of paper-writing in which I let myself indulge a little too much. I didn't eat anything that was very restricted, but I just ate a little too much. I did work out quite a bit which I think let me rationalize some of the extra stress-eating. I am going back to South Beach Phase 1 today. I am determined to lose at least 8 more pounds before leaving for Rome on March 13. 25 days and counting.

2. Pray Every Day

3. Blog at least once a week

4. Stop Biting My Nails
Fail. Bit them all off while trying to finish my final draft of my 56 page paper for the journal I am on. Stress kicked in and it was either eating the entire bag of dark chocolate dove squares Bobby bought for Valentines Day or biting my nails. My nails will grow back and I will start over. A giant bag of chocolate will haunt you until all of the foil wrappers are finally gone.

5. Stop Cussing
Fail. A frustrated ten minutes with a computer account I use for legal research and I believe that I said every cuss word that I could think of. Bobby literally got up to leave his ears were so offended. I was so frustrated and just plain angry at all the work I have piled up on myself. In the midst of changing my password 12 times on the stupid website I nearly ended up with the brilliant password of "F--kyouwestlaw". I thought it was clever at the time. Luckily, I finally outsmarted the system and changed it to something more PG.

Also, it's the Olympics now. So, I will probably get slightly heated and competitive while watching way tooo many competitions and say a few extra cuss words. Loving the Colbert Poster for the Olympics:

6. Make One Frugal Decision a Week
Total Fail. Bought three pairs of shoes, a new piece of luggage for Rome and a full price dress. I will need to eat beans this entire week to make up for it.

7. Go on Dates
Sort of Fail. We had a stay-in night where we did finally watch Paris Je T'aime, a movie that we have being renting and then never watching for at least two years now. We ate some prosciutto, cheese and wine and had a very nice evening.

8. Expand My Pallet
Fail. No time for rock climbing yet. Promise to get to this one soon.

9. Be More Emotionally Honest
Think I have been honest about my ridiculous stress level and general frustration with how crazy things are. If I had time to think about how I felt a little more then maybe I could come up some things to share.

10. Be available to Friends and Family
I have actually been fairly responsive to messages and phone calls despite wanting to throw my phone out a window and not respond to anyone. I even called up an old RHA friend, Mr. Gast, for an impromptu lunch when I actually had a free moment last week. Somehow I knew he probably needed to talk to someone who could understand the stress of law school applications, regional conferences, and being the RHA Director. It was good to catch up and remember the good old days.

Wish me luck during the next few weeks. I have: oral argument, moot court judging, Sandra Day O'Connor Tea, Women Law Student Silent Auction, Jurimetrics Recruitment, preparing for trip to Rome and then all the regular stuff like reading 100 pages a night. Can't wait to board my British Airways flight in just a few short weeks and take off for Italy.


  1. I'm impressed with what your doing on the blog!! Peter and I are also going to Rome, but not until May!

  2. It was wonderful to have lunch. It really was good to see you.

    However my favorite part of this post is the update on Cussing.

  3. You're adorable. Keep on keepin' on.

  4. Blog s'more, Jane; I miss it! I can't imagine that you're busy with law school? Who has a ton to do that when they have THAT on their plate? Anywho... can't wait for you to come to my fair city! : )
